Friday, November 23, 2007

Worst Thankgiving ever

This so far has been the worst thanksgiving ever we went to one of my grandparent house and none of my other cousins or aunts or uncle or anybody showed up it was totally boring I spent the night with my mom's cousins and second cousins that treat me like a little kid even though I'm only 1 year younger and to top that their morals are so low it makes me sick!!! and then on the way to our other grandparent I was gona practice my Bass guitar in the back seat but there was barely any room to get it out, and after 10 minutes of manuvering my dog's crate that got shoved back with me, myself, my pillow, and the guitar it's self I got it out and my pick was gone!!!! I had to borrow my sisters wich was a different sive and thick ness and I hated it and the I started and my bass was so out of tune so after 10 minutes of tunning I start and then they turn the radio on and I can't here my bass at all over the slow annoying christmas music. I mean I love Christmas I love that Jesus died for us but I can't stand most of the music. When a song I liked came on the y changed it to a different channel with even more annoying songs so after another 10 minutes to get the guitar put away without any real practice I set my head against the window and sat there and I still have a head ache from the window rattling!!!!!!!!! So we finally arrive at my other grand parents and after 1 hour my favorite cousin has to leave for work!! So now I'm left with my mean bro, annoy sis, evil cousin who thinks I like every girl I see and another cousin who is like 1 1/2 years older than me and we just don't connect. and to top it all off MY GRANDPA DOESN'T HAVE REAL INTERNET ACCESS HE HAS DIAL UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh and Emily asked for my email so here you go:



Sounds TERRIBLE. I am the youngest cousin out of like 20 on my dads side besides my bros. They all say, "Youre too little!" But in reality they are only like 14. So yeah. Patrick and Megan rock but, thats another sotry. And now you can go to my blog! And I dop advise you to take your email off now so that random strangers dont grab your email and stalk you.
Good Day.
Oh and my name is now: MarauderGirl



Oh and congrats! YOU REMEMBERED MY NAME!!!

Anonymous said...


Annie Holcomb said...

do u and emily like..know each other??

Jobie said...

of course we know each other you introduced us

Anonymous said...

Psh, they barely know eachother, but whateva.
So about the random outburst 0.0
I was just feeling...... Outbursty :p

Anonymous said...

I MISS YOUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOUUUUUUOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ben said...

"evil cousin who thinks I like every girl I see "

Wait, you don't?
Or is that only... :P

Annie Holcomb said...

ohh. HA!! i feel stupid..i remember that now. i iz so smart. XD ok..oh btw this is to jobie..remember how i keep asking u if u know amy? she sez shes in ur band..who is ben?

Anonymous said...

Ya, who's Ben?
hahaha... I like that name... Ben.. Benny... 0_o
Riight.. I'll just stop talking.

Ben said...

This is Ben Crawford... Senior... Ya.